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This list is made up of sites that I regularly visit. If you have any links you would like included then please contact me

Following the closure of the various Hamilton related Yahoo groups a new group has been set up and can be accessed via the link below.

http://www.collectingbooksandmagazines.com/bunter.html. The "Bunter" section of the collectingbooksandmagazines web site in Australia.

http://www.friarsclub.net/ The Friars Club homepage. Lots of useful info on Hamilton and his works.
Note - This site is currently off line. An archived version can be found at https://web.archive.org/web/20160924100210/http:/www.friarsclub.net/

http://www.greyfriarsindex.co.uk/Index.htm Although not updated in some time a well laid out site crammed with facts and figures. Acrobat listings on the publications page are a tremendous resource.

http://www.comicsuk.co.uk/ A website dedicated to those great institutions, the British Comic and Story Paper. The eventual aim of the site is to be the definitive guide to all things British comic and story paper related and to complement the many excellent websites that are currently available, dedicating themselves to the humble British comic.

http://www.magnets.friardale.co.uk/ A website full of facts and figures from the Magnet containing an amazing amount of detail.

http://www.philsp.com/homeville/BJSP/0start.htm  Steve Holland's British Juvenile Story Papers and Pocket Libraries Index site. The purpose of the site is to eventually index all British children's papers, comics and annuals, although the index is very much a work in progress.

Steve Holland's After the Magnet comprehensive look at the life and work of Charles Hamilton in the twenty-one years between the end of The Magnet in 1940 and his own end in 1961.

Tony Hiam's Greyfriars Facts, figures and fun website

http://www.londonobbc.co.uk/Index.htm London Old Boys' Book Club

http://www.mark-hodder.com/blakiana/index.html - A site dedicated to Sexton Blake

http://comicbookplus.com/?cid=2623 - A site containing hundreds of on line story papers and comics

www.edwysearlesbrooks.com - The listings are based on The Nelson Lee Library and Bibliography of the writings of Edwy Searles Brooks by Robert C. Blythe, revised by Mark Caldicott 1995